
Wireless & Wired – Computer/PC, Laptop Gaming Keyboards

A computer keyboard is an input peripheral device designed after the traditional typewriter keyboard. It employs an array of buttons or keys to function as either mechanical levers or electronic switches. As a replacement for the early punched cards and paper tape technology, teleprinter-style keyboard interaction has been the primary input method for computers since the 1970s, complemented by the introduction of the computer mouse in the 1980s.

The keys on a keyboard usually feature a series of characters that are either engraved or printed on them. Typically, each press of a key corresponds to a single written symbol. However, some symbols may require the user to press and hold several keys simultaneously or in a specific sequence. Additionally, besides producing characters like letters, numbers, or symbols, certain keys can trigger the computer to execute system commands.

In a modern computer system, the interpretation of key presses is primarily managed by the software. The information transmitted to the computer, known as the scan code, only informs the system about which physical key was pressed or released.

In everyday use, the keyboard serves as a text entry interface for typing text, numbers, and symbols into various application software, such as word processors, web browsers, or social media apps.

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Colemak vs Dvorak

Colemak vs Dvorak: Decoding the Battle of Alternative Keyboard Layouts

In the realm of the digital age, where our fingers fly across keyboards weaving words into existence, a silent war rages on. A war not of pixels and polygons but of key placements and finger acrobatics.  This, my friends, is the epic clash of Colemak vs Dvorak, two alternative keyboard layouts vying for the title […]

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how to uninstall a keyboard driver

How To Uninstall a Keyboard Driver: A Step-by-Step Guide

Your computer’s keyboard driver plays a crucial role in ensuring that your keystrokes are accurately registered and translated into on-screen actions.  However, there may be instances when you need to uninstall a keyboard driver. Whether you’re troubleshooting a hardware issue or upgrading your system, removing a keyboard driver is a straightforward process.  In this guide,

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How to Use Two Keyboards Separately

Mastering Efficiency: How to Use Two Keyboards Separately

Keyboards are a fundamental input device for any computer user. While most people are accustomed to using a Regular Keyboard, there are situations where using two keyboards separately can significantly enhance your productivity and multitasking capabilities. Plug one keyboard into each USB port on your computer simultaneously. To improve user experience, Windows provides a capability that

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How to Delete Google Keyboard History

Why Delete Google Keyboard History: A Step-by-Step Guide

Gboard, commonly known as Google Keyboard, is a favorite among Android users due to its user-friendly interface and extensive feature set. However, if you’re concerned about privacy or want to clear your typing history for a fresh start, you must know why to delete your Google Keyboard history. We’ll guide you through the procedures in

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